Vsphere ha virtual machine failover failed. (current) VMware Communities . Vsphere ha virtual machine failover failed

(current) VMware Communities Vsphere ha virtual machine failover failed  The features covered in this chapter provide protection for virtual machines (VMs) running on ESX and ESXi hosts, as well as optimize resources and performance and simplify VM management

Log in to the VMware vSphere Client. HA failover does not occur after setting Traffic Type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic If you set the traffic type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic, vSphere HA does not automatically discover the new setting. External. The reset ensures that services remain available. All esx are in single cluster. Add the disk group back to the same host and remediate the vSAN File Service for this cluster using the vSAN user interface. Key Features: VMware vSphere is a leading commercial virtualization platform known for its robust features, scalability, and reliability. You will see the new virtual machine listed as a potential virtual machine available for enabling high availability. Generally speaking, vSphere HA makes VM automatically restarted on another host when its original host failed to minimize downtime. Because the virtual machines continue to run without incident, you can safely. I noticed that when I did the reconfiguration some (very few) VM got now alarms "Vsphere HA Virtual Machine failover failed" I have no attention to upgrade the 3 hosts from ESX4. Maximizing the compatibility between virtual machines and hosts in the cluster can also. Set Advanced Options43. Press F11 to restart the services. vSphere 7. Not always but sometimes we tend to see an alarm on a VM "vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed". Select the datacenter object first and then right click > New cluster. You have correctly selected 6. Same with vCenter Server. Too Much Activity on VMFS Volume Can Lead to Virtual Machine Failovers. AllBelow are possible types of High Availability status: Performing switchover: Issues occurred on the active server of the virtual machine, and the system is performing live migration of the virtual machine to the passive server. comHA initiated a virtual machine failover action in cluster Prod-Cluster in datacenter Prod-DataCenter. For more information, follow the appropriate cross reference. 1 to 5. Press F2 to customize the system. 1. a few virtual machines are showing this. The virtual machines guest operating systems never reported a power event. Steps to restart the HA service: In vCenter vSphere Client URL go to the Host Cluster > Configure > vSphere Availability > vSphere HA is Turned ON >. Insufficient resources to fail over VirtualMachine01 in Cluster01 that resides in Datacenter01. I am employed by ITQ, a VMware partner as a Senior Consultant. After the failover finishes, you must restart the remediation task on the new. 3. Hosts in the cluster are monitored and in the event of a failure, the virtual machines on a failed host are restarted on alternate hosts. To avoid virtual machine restart failures, check that virtual machines become protected by vSphere HA after they are powered on. Causes. 0 Kudos a_p_ Leadership ‎10-17-2020 05:03 AM. Had a strange issue in where some VMs reported "vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed" I had to reset the alarm to green on the affected VMs. When I viewed the HA Cluster Status, it showed 4 hosts in initialization status and 1 connected to the master. This means that vSphere HA is unable to failover virtual machines if a rule would be violated. Purpose. Virtual machines in the Inventory appear as Unprotected in the vSphere HA (High Availability) Protection column. The error "vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed" occurs when a host is disconnected from the network or has a degraded storage device. I figured it would be quite simple to write a script to run through all our VMs, and clear the alarm if the triggered date or alarm type matched certain criteria. Click the Tasks & Events tab. Click the Manage tab and click Settings. When you expand the Configuration menu, you should see an option called VM Overrides. The guest operating system on the VMs did not report a power failure. vSphere HA leverages a High Availability cluster (a logical grouping of ESXi hosts pooled on the same network) to protect against ESXi hosts, VMs and application failure. vSphere HA unsuccessfully failed over. HA is a great vSphere feature, but a reactive one. Locate the cluster. You can configure vSphere HA to designate specific hosts as the failover hosts. 4. name} in cluster {computeResource. 0 vCenter where HA did not appear to be functioning correctly. Power off – This option performs an unclean shutdown, similar to he machine going down during a power outage. Everything looks fine except for alerts for all the virtual machines that HA failed to move. These vCLS VMs should be ignored from the cluster capacity checks. Hosts in the cluster are monitored and in the event of a failure, the virtual machines on a failed host are restarted on alternate hosts. Steps to fix vSphere HA failover operation in progress issueKeep up with what’s new, changed, and fixed in Site Recovery Manager 8. 4. english: vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed. . When vSAN and vSphere HA are enabled for the same cluster, the HA interagent traffic flows over this storage network rather than the management network. Not enough resources for vSphere HA to start VM. Mark as New;. 0, as new hardware will be added soon, and it will be installed directly with ESXi5. Mean ha is not working properly. 2. I got a 5. VMware Employee ‎09-04. From the left inventory, click Networking. These VMs are necessary to maintain the health of the cluster services. Intended Audience. 2. Press Esc to log out. I am also a blogger and owner of the blog. Ok, so I've tested it and the HA works! The test VM got restarted on a different host. I even tried on a stand alone host which is not added to. 2. And I am a bit confused from the documentation, maybe my. This virtual machine to become protected vsphere HA and HA can not try to restart after a power failure. 5, the vCenter High Availability feature was introduced. The failover capacity of hosts can be defined in three different ways: Cluster resource PercentagevSAN uses its own logical network. 2 - i have 3 host on my cluster Is your means that all of esxi managment network has been dc and there was not any host for restart vms and start them on the. During a Site Recovery Manager workflow, post Test Recovery or Failover operations, some of recovered virtual machines might throw the following alarm: vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed. log file and check if there are errors related to communication with vCenter Server and the host Management Agent (hostd). All of Microsoft SQL Server availability technologies are supported on the core vSphere platform, including: • Log shipping. You can provide business continuity using vCenter High Availability (vCenter HA) and vSphere Fault Tolerance (FT). vSphere HA enabled VM reset with screenshot. We switch to the host console. Veeam VMware: Host SSD capacity exceeds the licensed limit for Virtual SAN Alarm. . It’s because the timeout settings in the HA needs to be changed to support this, luckily VMWARE provided a KB article about how to fix: Performing a Reconfigure for VMware HA operation on a primary node causes an unexpected virtual machine failover (2017778) So basically, edit your HA in Adv. Steps to fix vSphere HA failover operation in progress issueBeyond that, some of the most common errors VMware administrators make include: 1. [All 2V0-01. 20 Questions] A VSphere administrator sees the alarm: vSphere HA virtual machine failed to failover. VM. vSphere HA Admission Control To look for events related to the virtual machine in vCenter Server: Select the virtual machine in vCenter Server. Restarting VMs on different ESXi hosts is possible because the HA cluster has shared storage that maintains virtual machine disk (VMDK) files accessible to all the. 32. Deselect the Turn On vSphere HA option. If the vCenter server is self-managed, the Resource settings page is displayed. Resolutions. Causes. Select Advanced settings. The VM Overrides selection box might be a bit. In a vSphere HA enabled cluster, there are three types of failures that can happen to trigger a vSphere HA failover event. Choose the Virtual Machine Role to enable High Availability. Alarm name. Log in to the VMware vSphere Client. 5. [All 2V0-21. Since we want to enable high availability on the newly created virtual machine, select the Virtual Machine option. New HA failover does not occur after setting Traffic Type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic If you set the traffic type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic, vSphere HA does not automatically discover the new setting. Check if vCenter Server was just installed or updated. Topic #: 1. Lock-lost question was answered by vSphere HA. " Hi, There are 3 ESX hosts in our cluster. name} failed to become vSphere HA Protected and vSphere HA may not attempt to restart it after a failure. 693618+02:00] [vim. vmx)Solved: Hello, I am experimenting with VMware vSphere and High Availability for days now. Review the exact description to establish the cause of the event. In the vSphere Client, browse to the vSphere HA cluster. Power on a virtual machine. simplified chinese. Best Practices for Networking47. english: vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed. 1. It is important to recognize that SQL database availability involves more than the technologies just described. We will simulate a host failure by powering it off. 0 Update 1. Resolutions. So I guess I can move those VMs back to that server and simply clear the alarms? Question #: 52. Element vib failed to validate content'] fdm-installer. x and 5. 2. The correct answer is: Virtual Machine consolidation Needed status – Default alarm that is triggered when VM consolidation needed status is set, No compatible host for Secondary VM – Default alarm to monitor if no compatible hosts are available to place Secondary VM, Timed out starting. Log in to the Active node with the vSphere Client. How to enable vSphere promiscuous mode. vSphere HA virtual machine HA failover failed. . Choose the Virtual Machine Role to enable High Availability. When the service restarts, press Enter. What is a possible cause of this event? A. A vSphere HA failover is in progress. Reason: Failed to start the virtual machine. vSphere HA is unable to power on VM-1 on ESX-02 as it. During a Site Recovery Manager workflow, post Test Recovery or Failover operations, some of recovered virtual machines might throw the following alarm: vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed. vSphere Cluster’ında HA’i enable ettiğimizde Host Isolation Response seçeneği Leave powered on durumda ise ve host network’den herhangi bir sebepden dolayı izole oldu ise aşağıdaki hata. Prior to vSphere 6. There is an issue with VMware high-availability protection for this virtual machine. When vSphere HA or Fault Tolerance take action to maintain availability, for example, a virtual machine failover, you can be notified about such changes. Veeam VMware: Expired Virtual SAN license Alarm. Veeam VMware: vSphere ESXi Dump Collector Health Alarm; Veeam VMware: vSphere HA VM Component Protection Could Not Power Off a Virtual Machine Alarm; Veeam VMware: vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service Health Alarm; Veeam VMware: Virtual Machine Network Adapter Reservation Status Alarm; Veeam VMware:. This is one of a series of KB articles that provide information about default vSphere alarms for virtual machines. vSphere HA virtual machine HA failover failed. If the vCenter Server reports the hosts as responding: Enable the SSH access to the host. On the VM there is a red event: vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed. When I reboot one of the 4 hosts (there is a VM running on the host),The HA failover failed on it. event. button. As you know, if you lose vCenter Server, you also lose the Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), so your VMs are no longer balanced across your cluster. Connect to the ESXi host using SSH. Causes. In this case, vSphere HA does not fail over a virtual machine if doing so violates a rule, but it issues an event reporting there are insufficient resources to perform the failover. a vSphere administrator sees the alarm: vSphere HA virtual machine failed to failover. Click Yes to start the failover. Connect to the console of your ESXi host. The features covered in this chapter provide protection for virtual machines (VMs) running on ESX and ESXi hosts, as well as optimize resources and performance and simplify VM management. “Insufficient resources to satisfy configured failover level for vSphere HA”. Everything looks fine except for alerts for all the virtual machines that HA failed to move. To clear this alarm on multiple virtual machines, you may select the host, cluster, data center, or vCenter Server object in the left pane and continue with below step to clear the alarms . Veeam VMware: vCenter License Capacity Monitoring Alarm. 0 U3, 6. 0 U3, 6. Admission Control/Host failures cluster tolerates: 1. However I checked vib list on the esx servers and found vsphere-fdm installed with the correct version. order to restart all virtual machines affected by server failure. If the vCenter Server has not yet marked a failed ESXi host as not responding, the virtual machines on it may still have a status of powered on from the vCenter Server perspective. button. I got the warning from a fail over event last night. vSphere HA provides high availability for virtual machines by pooling the virtual machines and the hosts they reside on into a cluster. vSphere HA has been turned on. Click the Configure tab. A vSphere administrator sees the alarm: vSphere HA virtual machine failed to failover This occurred for virtual machines (VMs) in a cluster with vSphere High Availability (HA) enabled. (Make sure you have enough memory to be able to restart all vm's on the cluster). Causes. If it's critical to get the VM online, you can review your Admission Control settings (i. After the host is back online, the VM stays offline and gets not powered up again!Then edit settings of your cluster, go to Cluster Features and uncheck "Turn on VMware HA". I can check more tomorrow,, I may pwr down an ESXi host to see if the VMs move,,,The following lists the supported options that relate to vSphere HA 5. The vSphere HA availability state of the host <slave hostname> in cluster in HA_DRS_Cluster in Datacenter has changed to Election vSphere HA unsuccessfully failed over <virtual machine> on <slave hostname> in cluster HA_DRS_Cluster in Datacenter. vSphere High Availability (HA) provides high availability for applications running in virtual machines. The message cannot be removed. vSphere HA will retry the failover. For more information about configuring the vSphere Lifecycle Manager remediation settings, see Configuring the vSphere Lifecycle Manager Remediation Settings. High availability technologies reduce the period of outage sustained by services during failure, allowing for a rapid recovery of virtual machines. Insufficient resources to fail over VM Name in Cluster Name that recides in Datacenter Name. Details. vSphere HA virtual machine HA failover failed. vSphere HA provides high availability for virtual machines by pooling the virtual machines and the hosts they reside on into a cluster. You can configure vSphere HA to perform. If. Migrating a VM. With the slot policy option, vSphere HA admission control ensures that a specified number of hosts can fail and sufficient resources remain in the cluster to fail over all the virtual machines from those hosts. Select the cluster where you want to enable HA VM monitoring then select Manage > Settings > Services > vSphere HA and click the Edit button. With dedicated failover hosts admission control, when a host fails, vSphere HA attempts to restart its virtual machines on any of the specified failover hosts. vSphere HA is used to restart these virtual machines on hosts that have not been. "Setting desired image spec for cluster failed". Workaround: Do not provision a VM across local and remote datastores. LoginHA failover does not occur after setting Traffic Type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic If you set the traffic type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic, vSphere HA does not automatically discover the new setting. 0 Update 2. If this is not successful within 5 minutes, a power off response type is executed. 2 by reading the release notes!I'm testing esxi 7 and vsphere 7. This alarm does not mean HA has failed or stopped working. Press Enter. I am also unable to modify the Alarm Frequency, as it is greyed out. vmdk, *. See the Help Center for more information including reference lists of all Rules and Monitors and full set of User Guides for the Veeam MP for VMware. VMware vCenter Server™, vSphere, and vSAN collectively create the best platform for running and managing virtual machine workloads requiring predictable performance and rapid recovery in the event of a disaster. By default, the alarm is. HA was unable to failover vCLS VMs upon host or storage failure; Resolution. If the Witness node recovers from the failure, follow these steps. Review VMware online documents such as Troubleshooting VMware High Availability and the vSphere Troubleshooting Guide to resolve HA issues. 1) 4 hosts in the cluster started to attempt HA failover. Check if vCenter Server was just installed or updated. . Virtual machine failover was not successful. Veeam VMware: vSphere HA virtual machine. To reinstall the vSphere HA agent VIB: Reconfigure HA on a cluster level. When the service restarts, press Enter. We had an issue in our 5. A forum discussion about a common error message when using vSphere High Availability (HA) on ESXi hosts. VMware High Availability detects failed VMs and restarts them on different physical servers without the need for human intervention. From vCenter, you can clear the alarm from the virtual machine via the following steps: 1. 5. If you create a DRS affinity rule for your cluster, you can specify how vSphere HA applies that rule during a virtual machine failover. Solution 1. Review the event description for detail on the cause. vSphere HA (VMware High Availability): VMware vSphere HA (High Availability) is a utility included in VMware's vSphere software that can restart failed virtual machines (VMs) on alternative host servers to reduce application downtime. Ancak, bir ana bilgisayar yani ESXi sunucu herhangi bir sebepten dolayı izole oldu ise bu hata ile “ vSphere HA virtual machine failed to failover ” karşılaşabilirsiniz. korean: vSphere HA 가상 시스템 페일오버 실패. This article provides information to: Clear the vSphere HA virtual machine failed to failover error from the virtual machine. Search for events with vSphere HA in the description. After you resolve this condition, vSphere HA should configure correctly. A user asks for help with a problem that causes alerts to appear when logging in to the web UI of vCSA 7. HA initiated a failover action. A failover cluster is a group of at least two servers or nodes that are configured to take over workloads when one node is down or unavailable. Topic #: 1. If vSphere HA is not able to reboot all the virtual machines of the failed server, for example if it has insufficient resources, vSphere HA attempts to restart those. If a vCenter HA failover is initiated during the remediation of a cluster, the remediation task is canceled. Prior to vSphere 6. Click vSphere HA located under Services. . High Availability provides uniform, cost-effective failover protection against hardware and operating system outages within your virtualized IT environment. The guest operating system on the VMs did not report a power failure. A host ist not mandatory to be a physical server, I could create a host in a virtual mashine. After the failover finishes, you must restart the remediation task on the new. HA failover does not occur after setting Traffic Type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic If you set the traffic type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic, vSphere HA does not automatically discover the new setting. Note: Also with vSphere 7. vSphere HA is failed over the operation in progress in the cluster in data center. Migrating a virtual machine from one HA cluster to another changes the virtual machine's protection state from Protected to Unprotected. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":"LICENSE","path":"LICENSE","contentType":"file"},{"name":"README. Click OK. This fault occurs when the HA configuration of CPU or memory resources reserved for failover is violated or is insufficient for the DRS operation. vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed: Default alarm to alert. HA failover does not occur after setting Traffic Type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic If you set the traffic type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic, vSphere HA does not automatically discover the new setting. Ortamımızda vSphere HA özelliği açık ve Host. event. It pools the virtual machines and the hosts they reside on into a cluster for monitoring, automatically restart failed virtual machines on alternative host servers to reduce application downtime. Hosts in the. Veeam VMware: vSphere HA failover failed Alarm AlarmStatusChangedEvent (Alarm*vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed*to red*) AlarmStatusChangedEvent (Alarm*vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed*from red*) yes. Navigate to Monitor tab, and click Issues and Alarms > Triggered Alarms. Reply. For example, we have a 2-node cluster and a Separate Virtual Machines rule defined to place VM-1 on ESX-01 and VM-2 on ESX-02. VMware vSphere Fault Tolerance - Testing Fault Tole…The virtual machine failed to become vSphere HA Protected and HA may not attempt to restart it after a failure. 7 Update 3. This monitor tracks the vCenter ESX Agent Manager Health Alarm. Use of different host hardware can, and often does, lead to an imbalanced cluster. Enabling High Availability on a. x. Navigate to the cluster in Hosts and Clusters section, right-click the name, and click Settings. vc. The summary tab of the virtual machine displays the warning: The virtual machine failed to become. As a result, VMware vSphere HA is configured to tolerate the failure of a single host. One thing to note is the script looks for only the alarms with Action set, i. In the event of physical server failure, affected virtual machines are automatically restarted on other production servers with spareThe vSPhere HA availability state of this host has changed to unreachable. Testing alarm to notify if someone creates a snapshot on a certain virtual machine. We have been trying to gif a server 14GB of ram and make a full reservation for it. Step 2: Create a cluster. Jump to solution. Alarm 'vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed' on XXXX changed from Gray to Green. Actions. e. Click Edit. 168. Press Esc to log out. . At the vCenter level select the Alarms tab, Edit the settings of the alarm, select the General tab, disabled/re-enable the alarm. Resolutions. vSphere HA unsuccessfully failed over. Best Practices for VMware vSphere256 High Availability Clusters47. A failover cluster is a group of at least two servers or nodes that are configured to take over workloads when one node is down or unavailable. With vSphere 7 U1, VMware introduced vSphere Clustering Service (vCLS), which helps in a situation when vCenter Server becomes unavailable. VMware vSphere High Availability (HA) protects a standard cluster from underlying host failure. A host has stopped working in some form or fashion due to hardware or other issues. A user asks why they are getting this error on all their vms on a host that they restarted the management services on. Immortal ‎02-14-2012 11:51 AM. Resolutions. Click Configuration, and you should see the VM Overrides option. VM is in HA cluster so "Virtual Machine Startup and Shutdown" is disabled for ESXi. Click Edit. Here we have the host prod. A partition is extremely uncommon in normal. 1. This is expected behavior for Virtual SAN clusters. Refer this KB - 2034571. vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed. This monitor tracks the vCenter alarm that monitors host virtual flash resource status. This is expected behavior for vSAN clusters. This is a server for exams and the supplier tells us to do so. No: Cluster: 6. With vSphere HA enabled, let us look at some of its capabilities. VMware has qualified vCenter high availability with vCenter 5. This happened at the exact same time the HA agents were being installed on all the hosts in the cluster. This part will introduce the detailed steps to create an efficient vSphere High Availability. vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed. Disabling and re-enabling the "vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed" alarm fixed the problem for me. 188 changed from Red to GreenSince vCLS VMs are deployed as soon as a first host is added to a new cluster, any test scripts to validate empty cluster in a greenfield deployment should have to be change. 3. vSphere HA will. When an ESXi host is down due to a hardware failure and HA/FDM triggered failover of the host's virtual machines, the following alarm may be notified. What is VMware HA in vSphere? VMware vSphere High Availability (HA) is a clustering feature that is designed to restart a virtual machine (VM) automatically in case of failure. In the Home screen, click Hosts and Clusters. If there is no form of communication (datastore/network) possible, what the HA primary will do is it will list all the VMs that are currently not running within that partition. Actions. Solution. vSphere HA will retry the fail over when enough resources are available. Availability. I ran the command /sbin/services. Select from the following configuration options. When I try to reconfigure HA on the host. vSphere HA creates a directory at the root of each datastore that is used for both datastore heartbeating and for persisting the set of protected virtual machines. GREEN (clear) Status vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed Alarm (to green) Yes. Click vSphere HA located under Services. A power off response is initiated on the fourteenth second and a restart is initiated on the fifteenth second. settings and add (or change): For 7. Code: Select all vCLS-98b596cf-d0d2-4cac-a45d-f39bf856e762: vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed vSphere HA failover operation in progress in cluster Cluster1 in datacenter XXXXXX: 0 VMs being restarted, 1 VMs waiting for a retry, 0 VMs waiting for resources, 0 inaccessible vSAN VMsIn the vSphere 7. 5. vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) в апдейте 7. Hi, There are 3 ESX hosts in our cluster. How vSphere HA Works vSphere HA provides high availability for virtual machines by pooling the virtual machines and the hosts they reside on into a cluster. I got a 5. Tried: Re-enable HA + DRS ;. vSphere HA is resetting VM. VMware vSphere 8. During a Site Recovery Manager workflow, post Test Recovery or Failover operations, some of recovered virtual machines might throw the following alarm: vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed. During a Site Recovery Manager workflow, post Test Recovery or Failover operations, some of recovered virtual machines might throw the following alarm: vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed. After observing the. Review VMware online documents such as Troubleshooting VMware High Availability and the vSphere. To avoid resetting virtual machines repeatedly for nontransient errors, by. External. vCenter HA etkinleştirildiğinde, oluşan sunucuların farklı fiziksel sunucularda çalışması için sistem tarafından otomatik olarak VM/Host Rules oluşturulur. french: Le basculement de la machine virtuelle vSphere HA a échoué. A user asks for help with a problem that causes alerts to appear when logging in to the web UI of vCSA 7. Open the vCenter Object and navigate to Monitor > Issues and Alarms > Triggered Alarms. 1. Hosts in the cluster are monitored and in the event of a failure, the virtual machines on a failed host are restarted on alternate hosts. Veeam VMware: Host vSphere Flash resource status Alarm. SDDCs with more than one node provide data redundancy through various configurations of Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disk (RAID) along with Failure to Tolerate (FTT), which defines the number of host and device failures that a virtual. Use the Up/Down arrows to navigate to Troubleshooting Options > Restart Management Agents. The VSAN and management networks are on a different physical infrastructure, so I changed the following settings in the advanced options of vSphere HA: The isolation response was set to "Power off,then fail over". Check whether the ESX Agent Manager service is running. If HA Virtual Machine Monitoring was responsible for resetting the virtual machine, you see an Event similar to: This virtual machine reset by HA. One of them (say Host3) just exit Maintenance Mode. Configuring vSphere HA (High Availability) may not be excessively complex, but it is essential to adhere to specific guidelines. 7, 7. From Site Recovery Manager perspective, there is no functional impact as all virtual machines are recovered successfully. The VM Overrides selection box might be a bit. What happened? If the vSphere HA virtual machine monitoring action alarm reappear, you can try reinstalling VMware Tools and re-enabling vSphere HA VM Monitoring feature. This occurred for a number of virtual machines on a particular ESXi host in a cluster with vSphere High Availability (HA) enabled. Connect to the console of your ESXi host. The name of the directory is . Hosts in the cluster are monitored and in the event of a failure, the virtual machines on a failed host are restarted on alternate hosts. HA failover does not occur after setting Traffic Type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic If you set the traffic type option on a vmknic to support witness traffic, vSphere HA does not automatically discover the new setting. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":"LICENSE","path":"LICENSE","contentType":"file"},{"name":"README. Virtual machine failover was not successful. vsphere HA failover in progress I have a warning on my cluster. right-click cluster > vSphere HA > Admission Control" and set that to. 0 Update 1, vSphere DRS for a cluster depends on the health of vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS). HA determines the current failover capacity of the cluster, which is the number of hosts that can fail and still leave enough slots to satisfy all the powered-on virtual machines. Right-click the vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed alarm and click Clear.